Mitch Horowitz
Co-Founder & Senior Fellow
Mitch has a highly regarded record of accomplishment in technology-based economic development, where he has worked as a principal economic development consultant, high ranking state development official and executive in a fast growing technology company. Whether working as a senior consultant for industry consortium, universities, national associations, state governments, or international clients, Mitch brings a wealth of proven experience in economic analysis, strategic planning, program and policy design and implementation services.
Mitch’s leadership experience includes fifteen years of management and project responsibility with the Battelle Technology Partnership Practice (TPP). He was instrumental in the evolution of TPP into TEConomy Partners.
Mitch has more than 25 years of experience working in economic development. In the early 1990s, he developed Maryland’s widely acclaimed biotechnology strategy, and then joined the Maryland Department of Economic and Employment Development as Technology Advisor to the Secretary with responsibility for implementing the strategy as well as other technology initiatives. Additional development experience includes positions for the Governor’s Office in New York, the City of New York, and Corporation for Enterprise Development, as well as serving as President for a mezzanine financing company.
Mitch is a frequent speaker on technology-based economic development.
Mitch has a M.P.P. from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and a B.S. from Cornell University.
Office Location: Bethesda, Maryland
Office Phone: 240-462-5456